Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements
In modern times, more often than not, a person may come into a marriage with assets of their own acquired in a previous marriage, through inheritance or other means.
If you have dependent children from a previous relationship you may wish to ensure that you provide for them adequately even after you remarry.
In such situations, before entering into the marriage, it would be wise to discuss this subject in advance with your wife or husband to be and reach an agreement on the extent to which such assets should be regarded in the marriage.
Sometimes, where there was no pre-nuptial agreement drawn up before the marriage, it is possible to enter into a post-nuptial agreement subsequently.
Although in the past such agreements were not recognised in English law, in more recent cases, the courts have been willing to take them into consideration in any final settlement where both parties had the benefit of prior independent legal advice.
If you would like some advice on this subject, please contact us by telephone, email or through our enquiry form.